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LadyMarissa's avatar

Is Hope Hicks Trump's next conquest?

Asked by LadyMarissa (16136points) August 5th, 2018

Hicks traveling with Trump
Since Hope Hicks is traveling on Air Force One with Trump & Melania is openly disagreeing with her husband on Twitter, any chance that M thinks D is “at it again”???

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8 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

I would think they are probably trying to get their stories straight. I would be surprised if todays tweet acknowledging that the meeting with the Russians was to get dirt on Hillary wasn’t formulated on the plane ride with Hope.

Since she is balls deep in the cover up saying it was about adoption.

zenvelo's avatar

Not “next”, ”latest.”

elbanditoroso's avatar

Hicks is a little more than half Melania’s age. They both are willowy tall thin women who carry themselves well.

We know that Hicks likes proximity to power.

It would not surprise me for a second if Hicks is being groomed to be the next presidential lady-in-waiting. Melania might not like it, but not much she can do, I imagine, because I would bet her pre-nup leaves her with nothng.

The interesting dynamic is how the right wing Trump supporters (the so-called Christian right) would deal with an active presidential philanderer. Would they excuse that like they have everything else?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@elbanditoroso To Trump supporters he can do no wrong, it would take something truly disgusting like raping a child, and even that they would spin it some how and blame it on the left.
The guy might truly be the Anti-Christ.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I had noticed back when Hicks quit her job at the White House that she was constantly staring at him with adoration & he was pretty much “hands on” anytime he was near her. Of ALL those who have left their position in the administration, she was the ONLY one to get a presidential send off!!!

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

So is this question about Trump’s fidelity to his wife or about attacking Hicks for something she may or may not do in the future? Because it seems like a couple of people have already slipped into the latter.

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t think it’s true that Trump supporters think he can do no wrong. I think they are willing to overlook a lot of behavior because he’s doing so many of the things they want done. He’ll be president for a maximum of eight years, but the actions he takes—like appointing relatively young judges—could have effects for decades. Republicans and right-leaning voters have always been more likely than Democrats and left-leaning voters to fall in line when it comes time to vote. And even though the right had a harder time of it in 2016 (we should never forget that a lot of Republicans jumped ship and refused to support Trump), a lot of the people who ultimately decided to vote for him did so because they didn’t want Clinton deciding what to sign and who to appoint.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

The immediate assumption that she must be having sex with the boss is tiresome and frankly appalling. Does anybody say unqualified losers like Scaramucci or Gorka were sucking dick to keep their jobs?

Nope. But Hope Hicks, yes. Omarosa, yes. Ivanka, yes. It’s not as bad here as on other forums, but it still bugs me.

johnpowell's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay :: I didn’t go to dick sucking. I went straight to witness tampering and obstruction of justice.

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